Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eating a horse!

Not really. But I could.
Most of my lunch hours during the school week I have clubs or dance class. Cramming food during breaks is leaving me SO hungry after school that I am not interested in making something fancy. Want food NOW!

Here's the stuff I added to the grocery list for next week's snack list-

Plain or Vanilla yogurt
Blackberries, Strawberries or Blueberries
Graham Crackers
Strawberry cream cheese
2 Kiwi fruit
Pretzel sticks or Mini pretzels
Unsalted, roasted peanuts (without shell)
Raisins or Dried Cranberries
Sunflower seeds


Assuming I get everything I need, here's my snack plan for next week-

Monday- Yogurt and Berries
Prep- Just serve yourself a bowl of yogurt, rinse a handful of berries and put them on a piece of paper towel. Cut off the tops if you're using strawberries. If the berries are big, it's good to half them before adding them to your yogurt. If using plain yogurt, add a drizzle of honey or agave syrup before adding berries. Fritter likes to leave the berries big and pick them out with her fingers. Of course, she makes a huge mess and gets it in her hair. What do you expect, she's a sister.

Tuesday- Kiwiberry Crackers
Prep-5 Minutes. Take 4 Graham Crackers and spread with Strawberry cream cheese. Cut the peel off a kiwi and slice it onto the top of your crackers. Trust me, it's awesome.

Wednesday- Trail mix
Prep- Throw a handful of each into a bowl. Pretzel sticks, peanuts, raisins or dried cranberries (or both) and sunflower seeds. If you want to add some cereal, that works well too (such as Cheerios or Shreddies). Mix.

Thursday- Berry Bagel
Prep- Toast a bagel half. Spread with strawberry cream cheese and top with sliced berries. Always good to rinse and dry your berries first. You can also use sliced bananas instead if you wish.

Friday- Fruit cup & Pretzel sticks
Prep- Use up the leftover fruit. Berries and grapes need to be rinsed and dried. Put in a small bowl with slices of banana and chunks of kiwi (peeled and cubed). Pretzels are just an extra on the side, cuz fruit alone doesn't really fill me.

There's a very high probability that I will have a different idea of what I want someday next week, but hey, it never hurts to have a plan.

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